For your convenience, Blisscapes Landscape Design & Nursery hours are by appointment.
Since Bill spends many hours a week on-site on behalf of his clients, please call 508-636-6535 in advance to arrange for a consultation or personal tour of the nursery.
Bill will return phone inquires for current clients in a timely fashion.
Blisscapes Landscape Design & Nursery
751 Potomska Road
South Dartmouth, Massachusetts 02748-1300
Get directions to Blisscapes Nursery!

Eastern Towhee
For general inquiries not of an immediate nature, you can also send an email to or use the online form on this page.
Take the next step NOW and contact Bill to further your progression to a better landscape and more pleasurable outdoor living space.
Blisscapes has no travel limits and provides expert landscape service to any destination.
“Landscaping specialist will travel.”
I am willing to travel to your destination anywhere in the world. Contact me today!

Bill Gil, Blisscapes Landscape Design & Nursery

Some trees of the Blisscapes Nursery – Arizona Fir, Concolor Fir